Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Star Wars Digital Card Trader - Current Haves/Wants List

This will obviously change, probably before the end of the day, but this is what I have and want currently


Luke/Vader Shred
GM Rebels Season 2.

I'm willing to do an Obi Wan Vintage for both.


* HOTH Award Luke's Snowspeeder BLUE (416)
* HOTH Award Luke Skywalker WHITE (1075)
* VINTAGE Ben (Obi Wan) Kenobi  (2500)
* HOTH AT-ST Blue (2500)
* HOTH Rebel Soldier White (3000)
* HOTH Snowtropper Blue (3000)
* TC Darth Maul (3000)
* QUOTE "I Know" (3500)
* BOUNTY Boba Fett (7500)
* ES Droideka Greeen (7500)
* FC Cad Bane (20,000)

* GOLD Sebulba (1874)
* GOLD Ben (Obi Wan) Kenobi (3089)

* GREEN Chewbacca (1260)
* GREEN Ponda Baba (1416)
* GREEN Ben (Obi Wan) Kenobi (1889)
* GREEN C-3P0 (1997)
* GREEN Grand Moff Tarkin (2237)
* GREEN Anakin Jedi Knight (3068)