Sunday, February 13, 2022

Los Angeles Rams 13 - Cincinnati Bengals 10 - 3:54 Second

 Hunh, I didn't even realize that the QB didn't throw that pass.  Wasn't paying close attention.

Don't you love it when the coaches throw up their play cards so they can't have their lips read by cameras?  It's a thing.

Time out - Beckham is hurt.


T-Mobile Part 2. - How can you take it seriously?

UberEats - Jennifer Coolidge is one of my favorites.  But this is dumb.  I worked for UberEats.  Better than PostMates

Hey the Mannings in their second commercial.  For what?  Not sure

Gillette - Yes, we still need to shave.  I'd rather buy Dollar shave club.

Ambulance Movie - Will miss.

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